Monday, December 31, 2012

Bristol 6 months old

Bristol turned 6 months old this week. Seriously, half a year old??? She can do so much now.


  • She has been sitting up great for about 2 weeks. I can leave the room and come back with her still sitting up.
  • She wants to crawl so bad! She can scoot backwards and to the side but not forward yet. She gets on her hands and knees and rocks forward right now.
  • She is rolling over great.
  • She still smiles all the time.
  • She has gotten quite spoiled and doesn't like sleeping in her own bed, I know we need to work on that one soon. She will usually sleep in it half the night.
  • She thinks her brothers are so cool, she really thinks having a sippy cup would be awesome, she always tries to steal theirs.
  • She still breast feeds (usually every 3 hours, every once in a while she goes longer).
  • She started eating some baby food about a week and half ago. I've just been giving her one jar once a day so far. She loves it. Squash and carrots get funny faces from her, but she keeps on eating them haha.
  • She got her ears pierced on Wednesday (day before 6 months).
  • She has gotten to be a wiggle worm.
  • She can sit up in a grocery cart now.
  • She also sat up in a restaurant high chair for the first time.
  • She has went 2 UL men's basketball games. She does really good at them, smiles, watches, sleeps.
  • She likes playing with and chewing on toys now.
  • She doesn't really like the car seat anymore, unless she is sleepy.
  • She went shopping black Friday with me and my mom all night and did great.
  • She wears 6 months now but something's are getting tight, some 9 months or 6-9 months fit.
  • She is working on her teeth but none yet. She is a slobber bucket.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


We had lots of fun celebrating Halloween this year as a family. The kids were Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Minnie Mouse. Brayden didn't like keeping his hat on. The boys loved trick or treating. They actually got the concept this year and did not want to go home, even though it was cold and they were exhausted by the end of it. We had food at our house and my family came over to see the kids and trick or treat with us.