Monday, December 31, 2012

Bristol 6 months old

Bristol turned 6 months old this week. Seriously, half a year old??? She can do so much now.


  • She has been sitting up great for about 2 weeks. I can leave the room and come back with her still sitting up.
  • She wants to crawl so bad! She can scoot backwards and to the side but not forward yet. She gets on her hands and knees and rocks forward right now.
  • She is rolling over great.
  • She still smiles all the time.
  • She has gotten quite spoiled and doesn't like sleeping in her own bed, I know we need to work on that one soon. She will usually sleep in it half the night.
  • She thinks her brothers are so cool, she really thinks having a sippy cup would be awesome, she always tries to steal theirs.
  • She still breast feeds (usually every 3 hours, every once in a while she goes longer).
  • She started eating some baby food about a week and half ago. I've just been giving her one jar once a day so far. She loves it. Squash and carrots get funny faces from her, but she keeps on eating them haha.
  • She got her ears pierced on Wednesday (day before 6 months).
  • She has gotten to be a wiggle worm.
  • She can sit up in a grocery cart now.
  • She also sat up in a restaurant high chair for the first time.
  • She has went 2 UL men's basketball games. She does really good at them, smiles, watches, sleeps.
  • She likes playing with and chewing on toys now.
  • She doesn't really like the car seat anymore, unless she is sleepy.
  • She went shopping black Friday with me and my mom all night and did great.
  • She wears 6 months now but something's are getting tight, some 9 months or 6-9 months fit.
  • She is working on her teeth but none yet. She is a slobber bucket.